I was unsure about writing this post, because although I have shared personal experiences here, I am always apprehensive about talking on the subject of religion. Perhaps it is because I am not a fundamentally religious person, but am a spiritual person. I do not have a doctrine or dogma by which I stand...and I certainly do not wish my beliefs to offend others.
When asked about my religion, my response is that I was raised Hindu. I am of Indian heritage, and I was raised in a household where all Hindu holidays and festivals were meticulously observed and celebrated. It is the only religion that I have ever really had exposure to, with the exception of the occasional Catholic mass or Christian church service at friend's weddings or other occasions where I was singing at a church. That being said, I do not actively engage in the practice of any religion, but like so many people, am in pursuit of finding inner peace and truth.
So after we had decided to move here, in doing my research before moving, I discovered that there was a Hindu temple here on the island. I found this initially to be a sign of some sort that I had made the right decision about which island to move to... I knew that the general vicinity of the temple was near my new home, but really did not think too much about it.

If one wished to find peace and tranquility and the heart and soul of their religion, whatever religion that may be, I cannot imagine a better and more suitable location to do so. I was overcome by the majesty and beauty of this place, and I shall return again in the very near future, because it truly is a place that calls to you. My wish is that everyone would have the opportunity to see what I have seen in this peaceful place of worship, if for nothing else than to experience the grandeur of its simplicity, the majesty of its quiet.