When my daughter was informed of our life plans earlier this year, she laughingly expressed that she did not believe that it was possible for me to live a simpler life, as she thought I was a 'diva with a red Mercedes.' And she felt that a person like me couldn't find the way to simplify and tone down her so-called wants and needs enough to be able to live the kind of authentic life we were talking about....
So the first step in ridding myself of this title was getting rid of the red Mercedes, which I did several months ago. So now I guess I am just a diva...but in Pacific Beach, WA, I don't think divas are much appreciated...so I am trying my hardest to blend and fit in, wearing baggy jeans and not putting on the red lipstick that matched my car...just trying not to draw attention to myself. Not sure if that is working, but what I do see already in myself is a shift in my perspective and what is bringing a smile to my face and making me happy.
After my morning workout last Wednesday, I drove a few miles down a road that I hadn't been on before and I found a family-owned produce stand...Voss Acres Produce Market. You would have thought that I had found the Fountain of Youth, but I was so happy to have found a place to buy fresh and locally grown produce that I did not have to drive an hour to get to. A quaint little produce stand, and I had the opportunity to meet the owner, Sharon Voss, who shared with me her life story. She had grown up a mile down the street, but had gone out on a 'life adventure,' living and working in Portland and Seattle. She several times referred to her 'life adventure' but then recounted how she finally reconnected with a man she had known since she was much younger and found her way back home. Lovely woman and a lovely story...
And then there are Chloe and Sue, both of whom work at the Ocean Crest workout room that I go to every morning, both telling stories of their week and offering their pleasantries to me each morning. It is amazing to me that complete strangers here are more than happy to tell you about their life if you are willing to listen...
We took a road trip to a football game this weekend and discovered the best XM radio station that started off by playing 'Hotel California' and proceeded to play more Eagles, Bob Seger, James Taylor, Cat Stevens, Van Morrison, Beatles, Crosby Stills and Nash...and an entire era of music that has not since been equalled. And this made me happy.
I had forgotten the power and emotion of music, and reveled in listening and singing to some of the greatest songs ever written.
A simple conversation and connection with a stranger, a favorite song on the radio, the sun shining on the ocean, a phone call from a friend...these are all things that have made me happy this week.
I may still be a diva, but I think that is part of who I am. But this diva is adaptable and willing to make some changes in order to achieve an authenticity that I have been lacking. But because I don't want to lose my authentic self either, I think that when I get to Kauai, I will wear that red lipstick that matched my red Mercedes, with a flower in my hair to match...
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