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Monday, November 21, 2011


My post this week was going to resemble a kindergartener's essay on the things I am thankful for...good health, my family, my friends, food on the table, the amazing privilege to be on this voyage...

I have been suddenly stopped in my tracks, however. And though there have been times before when this tragic road has been traveled, it does not become easier, it does not become more navigable, it does not become okay. It feels like a fist has been thrust through my gut. There has been a life lost, the life of a young man from my community who is my daughter's age, a young man whose family, like mine, has spent years of their life dedicated to their children and their activities and sports, a young man who died in battle serving in the US Marines.

I am without words, speechless. Emotions overcome. I do not believe in war. And it is with absolutely no disrespect that I make this statement. I acknowledge and support all the young men and women and families that serve our country in unquestioning patriotism. As my children grow older, however, and as life appears more fragile, it just seems that the loss of a young person feels more tragic and unnecessary.

So this Thanksgiving what I would like to give thanks for is life. The precious breaths that we take for granted daily, the precious moments of life that we share with our children, our family, our friends, and  that which gives meaning to our life. For we simply do not know when it will be taken away, and we do not know why it will be taken away...but make no mistake, it will be taken away. So I am thankful for the time, this time that I have, with this life that I have, with the people that I have. I am thankful.

So take a moment to breathe some life into your moments. Create the life that you dream of and then live it. Life is precious. Breathe. Be alive. Be thankful.

                                                         Joshua 'Chachi' Corral, USMC
                                                              12/30/1991- 11/18/2011

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