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Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Comfort Zone

“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” 
 Neale Donald Walsch

I came to Kauai with certain hopes and expectations, one of which centered around developing a life and lifestyle that is centered, authentic, passionate and connected to my environment. But though I am certain this is what I want, I was uncertain how I would go about achieving such a life. Does that just happen, where you one day realize that you are living the authentic life that you were searching for? Or are there steps involved, where you have to move in that direction consciously and knowingly? I tend to think it is the latter...

Not being sure, I am just trying to 'live.' Exercising, searching for a job, shopping, cooking, waiting for that 'something' that triggers me into forward motion, the type of forward motion that I need to enter into my new life. I am trying new things, determined to try as many different island activities that I can, waiting to find something to embrace.

So last week I tried two new things. Early in the week I paddled a kayak up the Wailua River and I absolutely loved it. It was the first time I had ever been in a kayak, paddled a kayak or done any sport in that small of a water craft. It was an activity that I had pictured myself doing even before I got here, and I have aspirations to join a paddling team at some point, not only for the amazing workout, but for the teamwork, camaraderie and the opportunity to spend time on the water. I have always been athletic and prefer competitive sports to a solitary workout, but due to several knee injuries I have had to give up my tennis. This could be the perfect island replacement:) More to follow...

And today I did my second Bikram Yoga class. For those of you unfamiliar with this practice, it is a series of 26 poses done in a 105 degree heated studio for 90 minutes. The series of poses are always the same, in the same sequence, so it allows you to truly master the poses for the full effect and benefit. The initial pose is a stretch where the instructor tells you to stretch your hips to the left, as far as you can, beyond the point of comfort, and that this is where the stretch begins...and though I heard the same instructions on Friday, today it struck me that this point of stretching beyond where you are comfortable is where this practice of yoga is asking you to start. Beyond your comfort zone.

Starting beyond where you feel comfortable is where you are to start this class...with the idea that when you are finished, that you will have moved far beyond that point of comfort, discomfort, into an area which you are capable of going, but so often are afraid to go. So often it is our mind which holds us back. And in practicing this form of yoga, the power, strength, energy and confidence that I have felt just after two classes has been joyous. So perhaps this is the 'something' I will embrace, at least for now, for it seems that it may assist and ground me enough to cross the threshold into a centered and authentic life lived with joy, passion and gratitude.

And for my friends and family who know me well, you all know that this very well may be an obsession that I have for a while, in the same vain as tennis, softball, racquetball and even my 'crafty' phase of life...but all of those activities where I have thrown myself in head first, have all served me well, and had a purpose in the moments that they served me. So for now, as I am beginning my new life, this may be the 'something' that I need to embrace to propel me, to make me reach beyond my comfort zone and begin to live.

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